Portland-based Aurora Photos has launched an eco-compilation. The company aims to address the needs of earth-conscious advertisers, green-living magazines, corporations and environmental organizations.
Arnaldur Halldorsson / Nordic Photos / Aurora Photos
To some, Aurora’s move may seem somewhat late to the eco-party. But New York-based art-production consultant Michelle Jackson—whose company Snap Indigo services ad-biz clients as well-known as Arnold, BBDO, Grey and Wieden + Kennedy—says that demand for the type of images offered in Aurora’s Green Collection will continue for years.
Research findings continue to confirm that consumers connect with socially responsible and environmentally friendly businesses and brands. Over 90% of consumers continue to identify protecting the environment among the top issues of the day, second only to the current economic crisis that has broth forth a set of more immediate pressures.
The Green Collection aims to combine cutting-edge journalism, for which many Aurora photographers have become known, with thought-provoking conceptual visuals. According to creative director Peter Dennen, Aurora intends to explore the many facets of human behavior that affect environmental change, striving “to rise above the visual clichés that currently populate the stock industry.”