iStockphoto has announced that it is bringing back the holiday it
established last year. Punctum Day will be celebrated on August 19, with $40,000 in prizes to be awarded to iStock contributors.
In addition, iStock will once again give its exclusive contributors 100% of the revenues generated by their images on an undisclosed date within the next two months. Last year, these revenues totaled over $100,000, and the sum was divided among 2,300 exclusives.
iStock has been planning to introduce additional benefits for exclusive contributors, who already earn double the commissions of nonexclusives and enjoy other perks, such as printed business cards and legal assistance with pursuing infringers. At the time the company revealed its plans for Punctum Day, iStock also announced that it is making its keyword standards more stringent-for nonexclusives, that is. While iStock will be rejecting more files with poor metadata, exclusive contributors will receive personalized keywording assistance.
The Photodisc contribution program is also expanding. Thus far, Diamond- and Gold-level iStock contributors could submit up to five new images a month to Getty Images' royalty-free brand. Later this year, Silver-level contributors (those with over 2,500 image sales) will also be able to participate.
Punctum Day nominations begin next week. Community members will vote for their favorites through the end of July, and winners will be chosen from the finalists by a jury to be announced at a later date.
On August 19, $5,000 jury prizes will be awarded to exclusive contributors for each photo, vector, video, Flash file and design of the year. iStock image inspectors will choose two more winners: most improved contributor and most deserving of a new camera. Both will receive $5,000, with the latter in the form of a Canon or Nikon of the same value. The Steel Cage battle, a contest based on using images from the Web site, will continue through October, awarding the eighth and final $5,000 prize.