Articles by Alexandra Bortkiewicz

The Changing Face Of Music Photography

By Alexandra Bortkiewicz | 1323 Words | Posted 8/21/2012 | Comments (1)
Can today’s music photographers hope to shoot images that are as striking as those of the pop stars from the 50s to the 90s? Or will developments like tighter restrictions for concert photographers, and artists wanting greater image control, mean that today’s music stars will leave a legacy of bland, boring images for future generations? While creating the Pop and Rock showcase from the Alamy collection, I was struck by how the images of the latest bands didn’t quite have the resonance and iconic status of the documentary coverage of bands and pop stars of earlier eras who often enthralled audiences with their antics, charisma, rampant exhibitionism and on-stage posturing. Photographers helped create those legends.

About Alexandra Bortkiewicz

Alexandra Bortkiewicz, Director of Photography at Alamy has been in the image industry for over 30 years. According to her music photography has changed dramatically in that time, it’s no longer rock and roll.