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If your goal is to earn money in the stock photography business you need to keep up with developing trends. Selling Stock is a globally recognized trusted source of timely industry information. This subscription-based online newsletter reports on news, trends and provides analysis relevant to the global stock-photography industry. Archives of all stories published since 1995 are available.

The founding editor and owner of Selling Stock, Jim Pickerell has more than 50 years of experience as a stock photographer, agency owner and industry analyst. Currently in its 20th year of publication, Selling Stock is recognized by photographers, stock agencies and distributors as a primary source of industry information. In the current turbulent imagery market technological advancements, consolidation of stock archives through acquisition by major players and the advent of new business models continue to rapidly change the way stock is produced, marketed and priced.

To remain competitive, producers and sellers must keep up with developing trends in order to deal with them proactively. Subscribe now.