DisabilityImages.com, a leading stock source for high quality stock images of real people with real disabilities, has agreed to represent selected imagery from
Design Pics.
The Design Pics collection includes a broad range of images from all major categories of stock imagery. DisabilityImages serves a select group of customers with narrowly focused and specific needs. The company has developed a strong reputation in this niche, and has a thorough understanding of the needs of customers within this community.
DisabilityImages is tightly editing the Design Pics offering to insure that only images meeting the very specialized needs of its customers are added. The goal is not to have the largest site on the net, but to provide as much variety of quality imagery as possible so long as the images precisely meet the needs of its very targeted group of customers.
Disability Images is the only collection of its kind that focuses on empowerment and independent lifestyles for disabled persons. The images deal with issues of home life, sports, education, friends, careers, and transportation. All images are available as Royalty Free, in multiple high-resolution formats, and are free of logo and trademark issues, with full model and property releases.
Unique Aspect To Arrangement
One of the unique aspects of this arrangement is that the specialist agency is cherry picking images from a larger more diverse collection. The tendency in the industry has been for small, specialist agencies to add their images to larger collections that reaches out to a larger group of customers. Design Pics has recognized that in certain niche markets there are customers that will always go to the small, specialist source that really understands their business.
Mark and Pat Hunt, founders of DisabilityImages.com, state, “We are excited to represent Design Pics’ imagery as the subject matter complements ours and is very different. It offers such important categories as rehabilitation, cancer, disability swimming, dental work, learning disabilities, and infant Down Syndrome, to name a few. We look forward to building on this relationship.”
Mark and Pat Hunt are also sending some imagery to Design Pics for representation, not just disability, but of various other types of subject matter.
Over the years Design Pics has acquired a number of collections, some more general than others. They include:
the Irish Image Collection,
First Light,
Pacific Stock,
Alaska Stock,
Axiom Photographic and
AgStock Images.
Rick Carlson, CEO of Design Pics, added: “We are delighted that our disability collection will be represented by Disability Images, and we look forward to continuing to build a strong collection of imagery that brings awareness and greater understanding of persons with disabilities. We commend Disability Images for creating a portal that is dedicated to providing imagery to support these important subjects.”