September 13, 2004
CORRECTION - Masterfile & SimSearch
In my article in the September issue of the newsletter I inaccurately explained the relationship between the SimSearch technology used on the Masterfile site and Idee's technology.
SimSearch is not Idee's technology. SimSearch is Masterfile's technology.
SimSearch combines:
- a tremendous volume of data organized by Masterfile's content management staff over many years with;
- programming and algorithms created by Masterfile's website developers; plus
- it applies Idee's "Espion" visual recognition software
...to produce a tool that is uniquely a Masterfile product.
SimSearch belongs to Masterfile and is not for sale. Espion belongs to Idee and is available under license from Idee.
Getty's New 3rd Party Suppliers
Getty is set to add a host of new 3rd party suppliers in its next upgrade of the site expected in early October. Currently there are 12 3rd party RM brands and 7 RF brands being offered on the site in addition to the Getty owned brands.
Among the new brands to be added are:
In addition much of the historic Focus On Sports collection that is currently controlled by George Sinclair is also scheduled to be added.
Media Bakery New Site
Media Bakery has launched a re-design of its RF web site that looks like an oven. On this site the company offers over 500,000 images from 25 different providers as well as footage, audio clips, fonts and flash. You can navigate the site at www.mediabakery.com .
The site was designed by 20/20 Software, a leading provider of software for the stock photo industry since the early 1980's.
In an effort to create an award winning concept the site design deviates from the normal stock photo search portal. According to Chad Newell, "The result is a contemporary and techno chromatic experience that pleases the user."
Stock Photo Advertisers in GD:USA
It's interesting to note the companies that advertised in this years annual Stock Photo Survey edition of Graphic Design:USA - and those that didn't.
Corbis had a spread on the inside front cover and Masterfile had the back cover.
Stock Photo sellers with full page ads included: AGE Stock. Digital Vision, Veer, Brand X, AbleStock.com, National Geographic, Photos.com, WireimageStock , and PhotoSpin .
The following had quarter or half-page ads: artdisc.com, Indexed Visuals, Laughing Stock, MaryEvans.com, Mistral Images and the Bridgeman Art Library .
Note that of the full page or larger ads, three license RF on a subscription basis and two more license RF in the more traditional manner of discs and single images. Only six of the companies are licensing RM images and half of them license both RM and RF.
Getty evidently has such a dominant position that they don't need to advertise in print publications.