This chart was generated by searching iStockphoto for certain concept words. It lists the concepts, the total number of downloads for the best selling image in each category as of the above date and the total images in the collection that have this keyword or tag attached. The list is in ascending order by download.
While this is only a small selection of all the keywords used by iStockphoto we believe that it is a representative sample. Photographers should be able to search for specific subjects that interest them and by comparing the number of downloads to this list make a reasonable determination of the relative importance of that subject matter to buyers.
It is hoped that this will assist photographers in determining how to best use their time in producing new images.
Concept |
No. Downloads |
Collection Size |
Concepts |
No. Downloads |
Collection Size |
out of balance |
127 |
144 |
speed |
3938 |
55974 |
aerial agriculture |
258 |
493 |
hot |
3995 |
135194 |
aerial city |
687 |
1056 |
wisdom |
4194 |
16897 |
picnic |
770 |
2306 |
education |
4552 |
65179 |
birth |
970 |
4771 |
colorful |
4898 |
201797 |
saving |
1024 |
407 |
leadership |
4990 |
24205 |
repairman |
1462 |
3443 |
beach |
5052 |
163862 |
victory |
1513 |
1222 |
hope |
5119 |
29400 |
disaster |
1718 |
7422 |
energy |
5244 |
57133 |
integrity |
1857 |
1166 |
motherhood |
5246 |
43180 |
conflict |
1889 |
19875 |
tenderness |
5246 |
35520 |
couple beach |
2051 |
5043 |
golden years |
5264 |
17783 |
nostalgia |
2150 |
23325 |
parenting |
5264 |
27094 |
abundance |
2167 |
15964 |
patience |
5292 |
4673 |
independence |
2190 |
9185 |
security |
5334 |
37911 |
craftsmanship |
2540 |
29870 |
excellence |
5369 |
29536 |
risk |
2586 |
14523 |
elderly |
5372 |
36121 |
americana |
2708 |
3314 |
futuristic |
5409 |
31022 |
family values |
2709 |
2845 |
order |
5409 |
22180 |
recycle |
2740 |
2972 |
cold |
5474 |
99215 |
time |
2799 |
40834 |
strength |
6463 |
54563 |
wet |
2807 |
62552 |
healthcare |
6992 |
130517 |
endurance |
2908 |
7174 |
celebrations |
7158 |
11893 |
senior women |
2972 |
5760 |
holiday |
7158 |
129480 |
pride |
2976 |
16703 |
concentration |
7260 |
26660 |
entertainment |
3084 |
27681 |
woman telephone |
7281 |
16611 |
ecology |
3183 |
21947 |
service |
7281 |
27382 |
pollution |
3183 |
21947 |
cooperation |
8587 |
13476 |
equality |
3185 |
5151 |
teamwork |
8587 |
39986 |
elderly couple |
3228 |
1679 |
togetherness |
8587 |
103079 |
senior couple |
3228 |
1679 |
working together |
8587 |
13476 |
banking |
3273 |
19873 |
caring |
9310 |
52544 |
stability |
3273 |
13232 |
green environment |
9310 |
33837 |
energy industry |
3387 |
34464 |
communication |
10333 |
100606 |
romance |
3486 |
81601 |
global |
10333 |
41858 |
wholesome |
3521 |
155509 |
happiness |
10333 |
260365 |
multi generation |
3557 |
6197 |
joy |
10333 |
98816 |
aging |
3618 |
29239 |
success |
10333 |
99345 |
competition |
3628 |
40937 |
technology |
10333 |
106869 |
wealth |
3767 |
66829 |
winning |
10333 |
32728 |
kindness |
3848 |
17931 |
beauty |
12264 |
369711 |
sharing |
3848 |
17931 |
childhood |
13756 |
79922 |
dependability |
3876 |
5473 |
freedom |
13756 |
61938 |
reliability |
3876 |
5473 |
leisure |
13756 |
110630 |