iStockphoto July 2010

Posted on 7/5/2010 by Jim Pickerell | Printable Version | Comments (0)

The following material was compiled from and shows the sales of 198 of iStockphoto’s top contributors in the 14 months between May 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. (I’ll use the word “contributor” instead of “photographer” because a significant number or the top sellers are illustrators and graphic designers selling illustration, not photography).
The 29,475 contributors whose information was on the iStockcharts site as of July 1, 2010 had over 23,570,469 downloads in the previous 14 months. As of July 1st this group of contributors had a total of 6,279,767 images on iStock while the total from all contributors was 7,063,000. Thus, the contributors with information available on iStockcharts own 89% of all the images on iStock. Given the large percentage of images they represent and the fact that 29% of all images licensed during the period belonged to them it seems reasonable to assume that this data is representative of iStock’s total sales.
Precision of Numbers

Some or the numbers in this report are very precise and in other cases they are a range. In May 2009 it was possible to go to and at any moment determine the exact number of images licensed in each contributor’s career. In June 2009, iStock changed its strategy. Since then they only supply the nearest lower round number of downloads. The actual number of downloads can vary by as much as 10,000. For example, greater than 100,000 could be anything between 100,001 to 110,000. If the photographer’s total downloads are less than 100,000, the range is 1,000 downloads.
Our estimates were calculated by determining the minimum and maximum number of downloads each contributor could have had for the entire period. We subtracted the May 1, 2009 number from the July 1, 2010 number. Then we divided by 14 to determine the average monthly low for the 14 month period through June 30, 2010. We did a separate calculation for the average high working with the highest possible number based on the information supplied. Then we totaled the results for 198 contributors and compared them with the actual May totals. We are aware of a few contributors who have just recently passed the low number, but some could also be very near the top of the range and about to move to the next level.

Chart 1
In chart 1 the contributors name is in column A. Column B is the total number of downloads the contributor had as of May 1, 2009. Columns C and D are the range of lowest and highest number of downloads the contributor had as of July 1, 2010.
Column F is the actual number of downloads the contributor had in May 2009. Column G and H are the average number of downloads the contributor had for the 14 months between May 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. These figures were determined by dividing columns J and K by 14. Columns J was developed by subtracting column B from C. Column K was developed by subtracting column B from D.

B C D blank F G H blank J K
May 1st Jul-10 Jul 2010 May-09 Avg Low Avg Hi Tot Low Tot High
2009 Low High DLs 14 Mo. 14 Mo 14 Mo 14 Mo
Yuri Arcurs 572426 920000 930000 22564 24827 25541 347574 357574
DNY59 508396 750000 760000 16565 17257 17972 241604 251604
sjlocke 468629 640000 650000 11339 12241 12955 171371 181371
Lise Gagne 849305 1000000 1010000 13318 10764 11478 150695 160695
alexs1 172894 290000 300000 7218 8365 9079 117106 127106
jhorrocks 297256 410000 420000 8575 8053 8767 112744 122744
hidesy 484040 590000 600000 8078 7569 8283 105960 115960
Neustockimages 46736 150000 160000 7593 7376 8090 103264 113264
webphotographeer 122188 220000 230000 5862 6987 7701 97812 107812
Nikada 158644 250000 260000 6230 6525 7240 91356 101356
enjoynz 116456 190000 200000 5485 5253 5967 73544 83544
Andresr 149183 220000 230000 4998 5058 5773 70817 80817
shironosov 83012 150000 160000 4266 4785 5499 66988 76988
GlobalP 93783 160000 170000 3980 4730 5444 66217 76217
AndrewJohnson 118244 180000 190000 4263 4411 5125 61756 71756
skodonnell 158618 220000 230000 4696 4384 5099 61382 71382
jgroup 131588 190000 200000 4699 4172 4887 58412 68412
aldomurillo 83676 140000 150000 4460 4023 4737 56324 66324
duncan1890 235514 290000 300000 3942 3892 4606 54486 64486
blackred 225900 280000 290000 3661 3864 4579 54100 64100
digitalskillet 79168 130000 140000 4140 3631 4345 50832 60832
YinYang 90065 140000 150000 3578 3567 4281 49935 59935
LUGO 101168 150000 160000 3296 3488 4202 48832 58832
MorganL 50596 99000 100000 3002 3457 3529 48404 49404
TommL 62463 110000 120000 3366 3396 4110 47537 57537
sodafish 222584 270000 280000 2683 3387 4101 47416 57416
geopaul 103068 150000 160000 3478 3352 4067 46932 56932
Palto 65234 110000 120000 2834 3198 3912 44766 54766
PeskyMonkey 47461 92000 93000 2523 3181 3253 44539 45539
narvikk 87527 130000 140000 3730 3034 3748 42473 52473
koun 57947 100000 110000 2743 3004 3718 42053 52053
bubaone 127963 170000 180000 4169 3003 3717 42037 52037
peepo 106142 190000 200000 4809 2990 6704 83858 93858
nico blue 258301 300000 310000 3240 2979 3693 41699 51699
bluestocking 108328 150000 160000 2871 2977 3691 41672 51672
mstay 120023 160000 170000 3514 2856 3570 39977 49977
filo 120457 160000 170000 3140 2825 3539 39543 49543
Floortje 60789 100000 110000 2468 2801 3515 39211 49211
Juanmonino 62811 100000 110000 2907 2656 3371 37189 47189
RapidEye 73605 110000 120000 2784 2600 3314 36395 46395
enot-poloskun 113670 150000 160000 3059 2595 3309 36330 46330
Elenathewise 55816 92000 93000 2247 2585 2656 36184 37184
A-Digit 113987 150000 160000 2973 2572 3287 36013 46013
iofoto 57315 93000 94000 2935 2549 2620 35685 36685
kate_sept2004 57516 93000 94000 2542 2535 2606 35484 36484
4x6 175200 210000 220000 2665 2486 3200 34800 44800
Kativ 125473 160000 170000 7409 2466 3181 34527 44527
ZoneCreative 46995 81000 82000 1758 2429 2500 34005 35005
Mlenny 146699 180000 190000 2521 2379 3093 33301 43301
ooyoo 86727 120000 130000 2506 2377 3091 33273 43273
nyul 77105 110000 120000 2539 2350 3064 32895 42895
billnoll 87659 120000 130000 2438 2310 3024 32341 42341
Stockphoto4U 48756 81000 82000 1460 2303 2375 32244 33244
mbbirdy 77881 110000 120000 2381 2294 3009 32119 42119
LeggNet 68236 100000 110000 2870 2269 2983 31764 41764
francisblack 54384 86000 87000 2062 2258 2330 31616 32616
jacomstephens 89503 120000 130000 2422 2178 2893 30497 40497
kirstypargeter 169695 200000 210000 1992 2165 2879 30305 40305
Maliketh 79983 110000 120000 2808 2144 2858 30017 40017
MarsBars 43164 73000 74000 2076 2131 2203 29836 30836
sdominick 170267 200000 210000 2847 2124 2838 29733 39733
Eraxion 48335 78000 79000 1688 2119 2190 29665 30665
mammamaart 180494 210000 220000 2346 2108 2822 29506 39506
scottdunlap 58787 88000 89000 2354 2087 2158 29213 30213
Cimmerian 171350 200000 210000 2621 2046 2761 28650 38650
dlewis33 71959 100000 110000 2180 2003 2717 28041 38041
Jbryson 56276 84000 85000 1896 1980 2052 27724 28724
Viorika 71390 99000 100000 1962 1972 2044 27610 28610
DSGpro 44400 72000 73000 1780 1971 2043 27600 28600
EricHood 54615 82000 83000 2050 1956 2028 27385 28385
Sportstock 72759 100000 110000 1973 1946 2660 27241 37241
kycstudio 74065 100000 110000 2384 1853 2567 25935 35935
konradlew 67367 93000 94000 2005 1831 1902 25633 26633
eyeidea 68575 94000 95000 1783 1816 1888 25425 26425
mammuth 43790 69000 70000 1430 1801 1872 25210 26210
THEPALMER 85081 110000 120000 2207 1780 2494 24919 34919
TriggerPhoto 85574 110000 120000 2046 1745 2459 24426 34426
kcline 135630 160000 170000 2255 1741 2455 24370 34370
ImagineGolf 76059 100000 110000 2102 1710 2424 23941 33941
loooby 60303 84000 85000 1763 1693 1764 23697 24697
buzbuzzer 76333 100000 110000 1950 1691 2405 23667 33667
PLAINVIEW 59389 83000 84000 1670 1687 1758 23611 24611
johnwoodcock 70462 94000 95000 1943 1681 1753 23538 24538
Veni 69463 93000 94000 1768 1681 1753 23537 24537
leezsnow 64805 88000 89000 1636 1657 1728 23195 24195
BlackJack3D 46980 70000 71000 1510 1644 1716 23020 24020
Grafissimo 107327 130000 140000 1947 1619 2334 22673 32673
AVTG 97369 120000 130000 1966 1617 2331 22631 32631
snapphoto 87484 110000 120000 2113 1608 2323 22516 32516
fpm 87583 110000 120000 2355 1601 2316 22417 32417
Leontura 67848 90000 91000 1679 1582 1654 22152 23152
browndogstudios 77875 100000 110000 1815 1580 2295 22125 32125
jangeltun 61356 83000 84000 1468 1546 1617 21644 22644
abzee 78930 100000 110000 1172 1505 2219 21070 31070
subjug 51295 72000 73000 1412 1479 1550 20705 21705
phildate 66873 87000 88000 1384 1438 1509 20127 21127
duckycards 80007 100000 110000 1289 1428 2142 19993 29993
matka_Wariatka 49163 69000 70000 1392 1417 1488 19837 20837
RonTech2000 44232 64000 65000 1140 1412 1483 19768 20768
JLGutierrez 44317 64000 65000 1504 1406 1477 19683 20683
jsmith 100653 120000 130000 1712 1382 2096 19347 29347
arsenik 46944 66000 67000 1461 1361 1433 19056 20056
solarseven 80977 100000 110000 1951 1359 2073 19023 29023
ULTRA GENERIC 81135 100000 110000 2406 1348 2062 18865 28865
PIKSEL 75124 94000 95000 1416 1348 1420 18876 19876
russelltatedotcom 91206 110000 120000 2016 1342 2057 18794 28794
Vasko 81349 100000 110000 1634 1332 2047 18651 28651
chuwy 57386 76000 77000 1335 1330 1401 18614 19614
fstop123 43459 62000 63000 1299 1324 1396 18541 19541
joshblake 111631 130000 140000 1884 1312 2026 18369 28369
evirgen 55952 74000 75000 1148 1289 1361 18048 19048
YanC 48973 67000 68000 1384 1288 1359 18027 19027
ftwitty 68147 86000 87000 1447 1275 1347 17853 18853
prill 52331 70000 71000 1291 1262 1334 17669 18669
tacojim 102550 120000 130000 1743 1246 1961 17450 27450
Kameleon007 47592 65000 66000 1023 1243 1315 17408 18408
redmal 73667 91000 92000 1225 1238 1310 17333 18333
onurdongel 56698 74000 75000 923 1236 1307 17302 18302
Graffizone 92802 110000 120000 1604 1228 1943 17198 27198
centauria 49836 67000 68000 1216 1226 1297 17164 18164
aabejon 61870 79000 80000 1277 1224 1295 17130 18130
appleuzr 122933 140000 150000 2007 1219 1933 17067 27067
RBFried 83089 100000 110000 1770 1208 1922 16911 26911
NickS 70090 87000 88000 1421 1208 1279 16910 17910
Paha_L 56534 73000 74000 1288 1176 1248 16466 17466
aldra 113625 130000 140000 1500 1170 1884 16375 26375
Blueberries 52695 69000 70000 4184 1165 1236 16305 17305
chictype 48805 65000 66000 1104 1157 1228 16195 17195
rzdeb 81044 97000 98000 1371 1140 1211 15956 16956
Illustrious 61201 77000 78000 1431 1129 1200 15799 16799
pkline 44422 60000 61000 1197 1113 1184 15578 16578
belterz 68673 84000 85000 1128 1095 1166 15327 16327
JoeGough 44024 59000 60000 1073 1070 1141 14976 15976
lucato 71220 86000 87000 1170 1056 1127 14780 15780
LPETTET 74469 89000 90000 1134 1038 1109 14531 15531
gmnicholas 83022 97000 98000 1199 998 1070 13978 14978
endopack 43167 57000 58000 1124 988 1060 13833 14833
77DZIGN 53233 67000 68000 1372 983 1055 13767 14767
naphtalina 46459 60000 61000 1097 967 1039 13541 14541
Trout55 44606 58000 59000 774 957 1028 13394 14394
Nic_Taylor 43708 57000 58000 946 949 1021 13292 14292
M-I-S-H-A 86903 100000 110000 1485 936 1650 13097 23097
sweetym 55914 69000 70000 1143 935 1006 13086 14086
bkindler 42957 56000 57000 1091 932 1003 13043 14043
molotovcoketail 97251 110000 120000 1226 911 1625 12749 22749
davidf 61246 74000 75000 1042 911 982 12754 13754
klikk 46298 59000 60000 937 907 979 12702 13702
aleksandarvelasevic 97340 110000 120000 1814 904 1619 12660 22660
kickstand 84464 97000 98000 1088 895 966 12536 13536
Renphoto 51657 64000 65000 976 882 953 12343 13343
hypergon 48682 61000 62000 1095 880 951 12318 13318
penfold 61910 74000 75000 953 864 935 12090 13090
tomazl 80925 93000 94000 945 863 934 12075 13075
andipantz 87960 100000 110000 1040 860 1574 12040 22040
simonox 73194 85000 86000 1026 843 915 11806 12806
grajte 50422 62000 63000 1061 827 898 11578 12578
groveb 43418 55000 56000 918 827 899 11582 12582
creacart 43718 55000 56000 784 806 877 11282 12282
nano 89096 100000 110000 1236 779 1493 10904 20904
Ceneri 48224 59000 60000 863 770 841 10776 11776
zoomstudio 43519 54000 55000 997 749 820 10481 11481
lovleah 83659 94000 95000 862 739 810 10341 11341
keeweeboy 45815 56000 57000 769 728 799 10185 11185
exdez 57066 67000 68000 862 710 781 9934 10934
bonniej 49070 59000 60000 798 709 781 9930 10930
LoBoCo 58552 68000 69000 881 675 746 9448 10448
susaro 49905 59000 60000 799 650 721 9095 10095
FreeTransform 45953 55000 56000 824 646 718 9047 10047
Akirastock 49149 58000 59000 666 632 704 8851 9851
Pinopic 54204 63000 64000 810 628 700 8796 9796
PhotoEuphoria 101497 110000 120000 1171 607 1322 8503 18503
Marje 54716 63000 64000 695 592 663 8284 9284
Luso 59831 68000 69000 586 584 655 8169 9169
claylib 52893 61000 62000 647 579 651 8107 9107
laartist 45954 54000 55000 665 575 646 8046 9046
Art-Y 89278 97000 98000 725 552 623 7722 8722
Elerium 57697 65000 66000 644 522 593 7303 8303
barsik 112739 120000 130000 1286 519 1233 7261 17261
jamesbenet 54897 62000 63000 609 507 579 7103 8103
webking 62913 70000 71000 466 506 578 7087 8087
ggodby 89499 96000 97000 613 464 536 6501 7501
AngelGILD 48582 55000 56000 916 458 530 6418 7418
mecaleha 48653 55000 56000 497 453 525 6347 7347
wolv 49057 55000 56000 465 425 496 5943 6943
aykuterdogan 48119 54000 55000 254 420 492 5881 6881
danielle71 68259 74000 75000 495 410 482 5741 6741
kemie 124288 130000 140000 1219 408 1122 5712 15712
StanRohrer 52346 58000 59000 559 404 475 5654 6654
Dizzo 45698 51000 52000 432 379 450 5302 6302
Natural Warp 79931 85000 86000 457 362 434 5069 6069
dreaming2004 48054 53000 54000 379 353 425 4946 5946
Skashkin 42967 47000 48000 431 288 360 4033 5033
Tolchik 50263 54000 55000 307 267 338 3737 4737
highhorse 47581 51000 52000 333 244 316 3419 4419
prawny 47943 51000 52000 319 218 290 3057 4057
sx70 167562 170000 180000 1049 174 888 2438 12438
Flutter_97321 44456 46000 47000 160 110 182 1544 2544
alwyncooper 44946 46000 47000 113 75 147 1054 2054
24250000 25249000 450683 417686 492044 5889490 6888490

Chart 2

Click here to get to Chart 2. In chart 2 column A is the contributors name and the order is the same as in Chart 1. Column B is the number of images the contributor had on iStockphoto on January 1, 2010. Column C is the number of images contributor had on the site on July 1, 2010. Column D is the total number of images added during the six months between the columns B and C dates.

Copyright © 2010 Jim Pickerell. The above article may not be copied, reproduced, excerpted or distributed in any manner without written permission from the author. All requests should be submitted to Selling Stock at 10319 Westlake Drive, Suite 162, Bethesda, MD 20817, phone 301-461-7627, e-mail: wvz@fpcubgbf.pbz

Jim Pickerell is founder of, an online newsletter that publishes daily. He is also available for personal telephone consultations on pricing and other matters related to stock photography. He occasionally acts as an expert witness on matters related to stock photography. For his current curriculum vitae go to:  


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