In July 2018 I did an
analysis of the more than 200 Getty Creative collections to determine how many images had been added to each collection in the almost two years between
August 2016 and June 2018. Overall there was a 37% increase in the number of images added, but there were wide variations in the sources of the growth.
It is interesting that despite the growth in the number of images in the collection there has been little, if any, growth in revenue generated by the collection. As best I can determine gross revenue for the Creative collection has remained at about $280 million per year for at least the last three years.
A more granular look at where image growth has come from produces some startling results. I segregated all the RM and RF collections reported in July into 4 groups.
1 – Getty Wholly Owned which includes collections Getty owns totally and those where it pays royalties to directly to image creators.
2 – Corbis Collection which includes images it acquired from Corbis after the Corbis sale to Visual Communications Group (VCG) in late 2016. Some of these images are wholly owned. In some cases Getty pays royalties to image creators directly. However it is unclear whether payments to VCG come out of Getty’s normal share of the total paid by the customer or if a VCG share comes off the top before the “gross payment” that is reported to the photographer is used to calculate the photographer’s share.
3 – Specialist Agencies – This includes the 139 agencies that have supplied images on consignment to Getty. In these cases, the agencies usually receive somewhere between 15% and 30% of the gross paid by the customer to Getty. The Specialist Agency then pays a share of what it receives to the image creator. This ends up being very small compensation for the professional creator trying to earn a living from his/her production.
4 – EyeEm/Moment/foap – The important thing to note here is that in nearly all cases the images have been supplied by photographers whose principal interest is in showing their work to others, not in making money. (There are some exceptions. Some of these image suppliers hope to earn serious money from the images they produce.)
2016 August |
2018 June |
Images |
Percent |
Number |
Added |
Growth |
Total |
2 years |
Collection |
Getty Wholly Owned |
5,000,120 |
8,417,296 |
3,417,416 |
68.3% |
39 |
Corbis Collection |
1,210,479 |
1,361,031 |
150,552 |
12.4% |
12 |
Independent Agencies |
6,024,799 |
6,176,038 |
151,239 |
2.5% |
139 |
EyeEm/Moment/foap |
2,756,721 |
7,968,105 |
5,211,385 |
189.0% |
11 |
14,992,119 |
23,922,470 |
8,930,592 |
201 |
What These Figures Tell Us
1 – Most of the new images have been produced by photographers who are just interested in sharing their work, not in making money. A big question that needs to be answered is are these the images paying customers want to buy for their projects? If yes, then Getty no longer needs professional creators. The amateurs will supply everything they need simply for the joy of creating images and knowing that someone liked them. They will also be happy to let Getty reap all the benefits in thanks for making their work available for others to see.
However, the fact that revenue overall has not been growing for Getty indicates that the amateur supplied images are not generating significant revenue relative to their numbers, and are not what most customers want to use.
In the last 2 years combined the specialist brands have grown the
collection by only about 2.5% in terms of new images. Clearly, most of
their producers have given up due to declining revenue. But, it is my
bet that it is the images from photographers who have stopped supplying new work that continue to sell despite the fact that they
are mostly old images. They may be selling for lower prices than they
were two years ago, but in terms of number licensed my bet is that sales
have not declined significantly.
All Specialist Agencies need a better understanding of whether the images they have supplied represent more than 26% of Getty's gross revenue.
2 – Specialist Agencies have added almost nothing in the way of new images in the last two-year period. Obviously, most of their photographers have decided that it is no longer worthwhile to produce and submit new images.
One big question is if there has been an overall fall off in revenue for Specialist Agencies in the last 2 years? If that is the case, to what degree has the fall off been the result of fewer sales, or lower average prices per sale. Certainly, we know that more and more images are being sold for lower and lower prices.
3 – If new images aren’t being added then the images being used are two years old, or older. Certainly, we know that a lot of the older images are ones that continue to sell. Does that mean that what is needed is more editing and analysis of demand, rather than just more images?
4 – Many of the photographers who have Getty contracts and are paid directly by Getty may still be adding new images to the collection. But it is hard to tell the role that DigitalVision Vectors and E+ play in the overall growth of Getty's collection.
5 – It is unclear how many of Getty’s contract photographers are still supplying images.
Below are four charts that divide the individual collection into the groups I defined above. I believe I have assigned individual collections to appropriate groups in terms of their relationship with Getty, but I do not have a clear understanding of the relationships of all the smaller, lesser known collections and thus may have made some errors.
Independent Specialist Agencies
2016 August |
2018 June |
Images |
Added | |
4,058 |
4,058 |
9,151 |
20,423 |
11,272 |
age fotostock |
84,306 |
112,895 |
28,589 |
All Canada Photos |
90,463 |
107,363 |
16,900 |
amana images |
199,933 |
225,932 |
25,999 |
America 24-7 |
1,856 |
1,847 |
-9 |
arabianEye |
47,053 |
52,796 |
5,743 |
Arcaid Images |
5,774 |
29,423 |
23,649 |
Archive Photos |
24,954 |
38,713 |
13,759 |
Art Images |
1,159 |
1,150 |
-9 |
ArtBox Images RF |
4,573 |
4,572 |
-1 |
Asia Images |
15,740 |
8,032 |
-7,708 |
Asia Selects |
10,604 |
10,508 |
-96 |
AsiaPix |
10,282 |
24,108 |
13,826 |
Aurora |
39,917 |
40,326 |
409 |
Aurora Open |
18,789 |
28,805 |
10,016 |
AWL Images |
130,547 |
142,878 |
12,331 |
Axiom Photographic Agency |
18,792 |
19,383 |
591 |
Best View Stock |
29,602 |
30,951 |
1,349 |
beyond fotomedia |
10,583 |
10,431 |
-152 |
Biosphoto |
1 |
39,809 |
39,808 |
Bloomberg Creative Photos |
3,563 |
3,563 |
BLOOMimage |
41,182 |
39,507 |
-1,675 |
blue jean images |
41,880 |
48,145 |
6,265 |
Caiaimage |
26,332 |
35,594 |
9,262 |
Car Culture ® Collection |
4,767 |
9,860 |
5,093 |
Cavan |
93,364 |
93,364 |
CGIBackgrounds |
5,336 |
5,336 |
0 |
Chic Sketch |
119 |
119 |
China Span |
9,809 |
10,657 |
848 |
CSA Images |
25,037 |
28,580 |
3,543 |
Cultura |
164,301 |
230,617 |
66,316 |
Da Vinci Codex Atlanticus |
2,238 |
2,238 |
0 |
De Agostini Picture Library |
217,630 |
314,261 |
96,631 |
Design Pics |
64,653 |
73,825 |
9,172 |
Dex Image |
16,978 |
16,994 |
16 |
DisabilityImages |
10,557 |
11,100 |
543 |
Dorling Kindersley |
96,074 |
99,793 |
3,719 |
Evok Images |
385 |
843 |
458 |
F1online |
21,307 |
20,880 |
-427 |
First Light |
46,750 |
60,655 |
13,905 |
Folio Images |
7,449 |
21,074 |
13,625 |
Foodcollection |
26,133 |
63,416 |
37,283 |
Fotosearch |
104,032 |
92,216 |
-11,816 |
Fototrove |
1,147 |
1,110 |
-37 |
fStop |
40,112 |
46,312 |
6,200 |
Gallo Images |
162,351 |
183,113 |
20,762 |
Gallo Images ROOTS RF collection |
18,615 |
38,094 |
19,479 |
Genuine Japan |
0 |
0 |
GeoNova Maps |
1,154 |
1,154 |
0 |
Gulfimages |
5,788 |
5,788 |
0 | |
70,504 |
72,350 |
1,846 |
Hero Images |
41,317 |
56,828 |
15,511 |
2,796 |
4,681 |
1,885 |
Historic Map Works |
42,078 |
42,074 |
-4 |
Hoxton |
709 |
3,983 |
3,274 |
Ikon Images |
11,831 |
14,461 |
2,630 |
Illustration Works |
8,112 |
-8,112 |
Image Source |
107,814 |
122,653 |
14,839 |
imageBROKER |
80,439 |
199,995 |
119,556 |
Imagemore |
29,917 |
27,246 |
-2,671 |
imagenavi |
68,909 |
70,831 |
1,922 |
Images Bazaar |
11,206 |
13,014 |
1,808 |
Imagewerks Japan |
9,322 |
9,322 |
Imagezoo |
23,827 |
23,739 |
-88 |
ImaZinS |
968 |
10,708 |
9,740 |
IndiaPicture |
19,929 |
28,017 |
8,088 |
Ingram Publishing |
9,570 |
9,514 |
-56 |
Inmagineasia |
9,275 |
9,275 |
IZA Stock |
6,348 |
6,348 |
0 |
Johner Images |
21,127 |
2,459 |
-18,668 |
Johner Images Royalty-Free |
42,376 |
76,517 |
34,141 |
Juice Images |
22,889 |
72,995 |
50,106 |
LatinContent |
5,743 |
731 |
-5,012 |
64,946 |
67,656 |
2,710 |
Loop Images |
2,673 |
2,673 |
Maskot |
22,313 |
32,203 |
9,890 | |
11,900 |
11,901 |
1 |
8,099 |
9,047 |
948 |
Minden Pictures |
210,854 |
123,160 |
-87,694 |
Mint Images |
4,648 |
4,420 |
-228 |
Mint Images RF |
13,923 |
27,760 |
13,837 |
MITO images |
1,192 |
2,913 |
1,721 |
36,943 |
36,922 |
-21 |
Mondadori Portfolio |
11,364 |
11,375 |
11 |
National Geographic |
223,188 |
197,341 |
-25,847 |
National Geographic Magazines |
58,240 |
58,240 |
Nativestock |
1,458 |
1,458 |
0 |
Nature Picture Library |
11,940 |
16,038 |
4,098 |
Nordic Photos |
7,042 |
5,955 |
-1,087 |
22,367 |
25,569 |
3,202 |
Oxford Scientific |
62,075 |
60,876 |
-1,199 |
Panoramic Images |
52,564 |
55,471 |
2,907 |
Perspectives |
69,192 |
110,093 |
40,901 |
PhotoAlto Agency RF Collections |
79,607 |
85,196 |
5,589 |
Photononstop |
52,038 |
66,673 |
14,635 |
photosindia |
34,096 |
34,096 |
0 |
Picture Press |
39,564 |
50,021 |
10,457 |
PictureIndia |
8,323 |
121 |
-8,202 |
Pixta |
718 |
718 |
Popperfoto |
1,922 |
2,298 |
376 |
Purestock |
33,029 |
33,022 |
-7 |
Radius Images |
34,223 |
33,707 |
-516 |
redchopsticks |
10,351 |
10,353 |
2 |
Refinery29 |
1,170 |
1,170 |
robertharding |
87,697 |
101,924 |
14,227 |
RooM |
27,447 |
45,081 |
17,634 |
Rubberball Production |
35,208 |
35,324 |
116 |
SambaPhoto |
7,607 |
6,932 |
-675 |
Science Faction |
21,412 |
21,260 |
-152 |
Science Photo Library |
93,188 |
90,453 |
-2,735 |
Science Source |
99,544 |
98,698 |
-846 |
Score by Aflo |
34,342 |
34,340 |
-2 |
Silkroad images |
1,860 |
163 |
-1,697 |
Sino Images |
18,966 |
47,092 |
28,126 | |
778 |
777 |
-1 |
Stock4B |
23,131 |
23,673 |
542 |
12,236 |
12,642 |
406 |
StockFood Creative |
35,110 |
34,448 |
-662 |
Stocktrek Images |
23,875 |
26,509 |
2,634 |
SuperStock |
39,525 |
38,893 |
-632 |
Tetra/Blend Images |
435,228 |
295,524 |
-139,704 |
The LIFE Picture Collection |
905,678 |
11,965 |
-893,713 |
TongRo Images |
63,478 |
49,690 |
-13,788 |
Topic Images |
29,197 |
31,365 |
2,168 |
4,353 |
4,890 |
537 |
Universal Images Group |
59,226 |
59,486 |
260 |
Untitled X-Ray |
2,061 |
2,932 |
871 |
UpperCut Images |
8,262 |
28,003 |
19,741 |
View Stock |
28,681 |
57,199 |
28,518 |
VisitBritain |
67,226 |
67,226 |
Visuals Unlimited |
32,756 |
31,193 |
-1,563 |
VStock |
90 |
4,487 |
4,397 |
WaterFrame |
35,797 |
39,994 |
4,197 |
Westend61 |
149,011 |
265,648 |
116,637 |
WIN-Initiative |
18,709 |
19,352 |
643 |
XiXinXing |
5,984 |
5,978 |
-6 |
Yann Arthus-Bertrand |
4,441 |
7,848 |
3,407 |
ZZVE Illustrations |
6,275 |
6,251 |
-24 |
6,024,799 |
6,176,038 |
151,239 |
Getty Wholly Owned
2016 August |
2018 June |
Images |
Added |
AFP Creative |
3,811 |
55,887 |
52,076 |
Allsport Concepts |
2,594 |
2,584 |
-10 |
Altrendo |
2,330 |
2,330 |
Brand X Pictures |
37,396 |
36,981 |
-415 |
Collection Mix: Subjects |
65,414 |
92,250 |
26,836 |
Conde Nast Collection |
1,344 |
1,344 |
DigitalVision |
150,510 |
197,231 |
46,721 |
DigitalVision Vectors |
1,065,823 |
1,065,823 |
Discovery Channel Images |
4,387 |
4,387 |
0 |
E+ |
892,753 |
2,450,306 |
1,557,553 |
Glow |
26,972 |
26,972 |
Glowimages |
53,194 |
49,042 |
-4,152 |
Hola Images |
8,634 |
8,629 |
-5 |
Hulton Archive |
44,026 |
44,456 |
430 |
Iconica |
42,614 |
40,064 |
-2,550 |
iStock |
0 |
0 |
iStock Unreleased |
309,706 |
309,706 |
iStock Unreleased + |
0 |
0 |
Lonely Planet Images |
734,694 |
804,970 |
70,276 |
Lonely Planet RF |
0 |
0 |
OJO Images |
53,702 |
53,076 |
-626 |
OJO+ |
3,867 |
3,865 |
-2 |
Photodisc |
558,184 |
680,492 |
122,308 |
Photographer's Choice |
235,567 |
259,157 |
23,590 |
Photographer's Choice RF |
183,934 |
203,838 |
19,904 |
Photolibrary |
496,271 |
526,003 |
29,732 |
Photonica |
18,586 |
18,594 |
8 |
Photonica World |
11,558 |
11,579 |
21 |
Publisher Mix |
11,113 |
11,113 |
Retrofile |
8,056 |
2,363 |
-5,693 |
Retrofile RF |
7,276 |
12,485 |
5,209 |
Riser |
2,007 |
1,918 |
-89 |
Stockbyte |
666,225 |
669,292 |
3,067 |
Stockbyte Unreleased |
20,355 |
20,355 |
Stone |
76,555 |
80,304 |
3,749 |
Taxi |
57,056 |
64,107 |
7,051 |
Taxi Japan |
16,344 |
15,804 |
-540 |
The Image Bank |
463,143 |
530,822 |
67,679 |
Vetta |
101,762 |
59,167 |
-42,595 |
5,000,120 |
8,417,296 |
3,417,176 |
Corbis Collection
2016 August |
2018 July |
Images |
Added |
Alloy |
10,708 |
52,101 |
41,393 |
Bettmann |
903 |
3,434 |
2,531 |
Canopy |
48,254 |
56,320 |
8,066 |
Corbis |
468,113 |
569,770 |
101,657 |
Corbis Unreleased |
6,826 |
6,826 |
Corbis Documentary |
590,642 |
600,766 |
10,124 |
Corbis Historical |
3 |
7 |
4 |
Fuse |
30,984 |
4,259 |
-26,725 |
Ivary |
7,234 |
7,231 |
-3 |
Luxy |
85 |
9,484 |
9,399 |
Passage |
53,553 |
46,285 |
-7,268 |
Passage Unreleased |
4,548 |
4,548 |
1,210,479 |
1,361,031 |
150,552 |
2016 August |
2018 June |
Images |
Added |
EyeEm |
253,328 |
4,542,663 |
4,289,335 |
EyeEm Premium |
2,824 |
14,538 |
11,714 |
EyeEm RM |
0 |
0 |
foap |
111,772 |
111,772 |
Moment |
453,639 |
1,725,673 |
1,272,034 |
Moment RF & RM |
637,599 |
-637,599 |
Moment Mobile |
29,703 |
45,749 |
16,046 |
Moment Open |
1,346,112 |
1,354,911 |
8,799 |
Moment Select |
13,731 |
12,946 |
-785 |
Moment Unreleased |
410 |
159,854 |
159,444 |
Flickr (added to Moment) |
19,375 |
-19,375 |
2,756,721 |
7,968,106 |
5,211,385 |